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The Prime Minister of Vietnam officially issues a pilot program for mobile money
Mar 17 2021

On 09 March 2021, the Prime Minister officially issued the long-awaited pilot program for mobile money in Vietnam under Decision No. 316/QD-TTg (Pilot Program) with the immediate effect.

The Pilot Program will last for two years, allowing certain businesses to provide mobile money service in Vietnam. It is hoped to transform the financial inclusion landscape, contribute to the development of cashless payment, especially in rural, mountainous, remote, border and island areas, and realise the national digital economy.

In this legal update, we will highlight some major points under the Pilot Program that, from our point of view, mobile money service providers should take into account.

Further details of this legal update can be found here.

Media contact(s):

Hoang Le Hang

Business Development Manager 
+84 24 3971 0888